Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just the usual.... Acrobatics, coffee, & Jesus

This morning, Suzanne and I learned an invaluable lesson: when you need to reach that ringing cellphone plugged in on the desk located six feet beneath your bunk bed, don't lunge for it headfirst. I was awakened by Suzanne shouting and flailing as she struggled to remain in a handstand-- hands planted on the desk and feet steadily slipping off the edge of the bed.

"Suzanne! Suzanne! Wait, wait, I'm coming!" I shouted. Pushing my teddy bear and covers aside, I leaped off my lofted bunk bed, sprinted over to her desk (actually our room is so small it was more like one giant step) and..... Wait. How am I supposed to push my roommate back up on a bed that is several feet above us, with her head about to careen into a wooden desk? All while laughing ourselves to tears, mind you. And the clueless caller still on the other line.

Our teetering victim ended up putting her hands on my back, performing a pseudo-push-up that would make any P.E. teacher proud, as I remained on the ground, trying to maintain strength as I nearly passed out from laughing.

Good morning, world!


Anywhoooo...despite my near-death experience this morning (thanks for putting up with me, Rachel and Megan), today has been the perfect time to reflect on this past week. Pam and I have discovered the beauty of getting work done at the Peet's coffee shop in Westwood. UCLA has the uncanny ability of making your life feel unnecessarily stressful, so getting away for the day is often much-needed. Here is a picture of Pam and I enjoying our delicious Peet's coffee...nom nom nom.

I came planning on studying an excessive amount of psychology, but no such luck. Blogging is way more exciting! Speaking of exciting... (I'm the queen of smooth transitions)... Pam and I had our second Hedrick Hall 6 North bible study this past Monday. It was neat having over twelve people there (who hopefully didn't come just for the Diddy Riese cookies or our convenient location in front of the elevator). We decided it would be cool to start a series on the miracles of Jesus... So this week we studied John 4: 46-54, where Jesus heals the nobleman's son. We talked about the importance of faith demonstrated through this miracle and how applicable it can be in our daily lives. How often we try to fit God's power in a box, forgetting the Creator of the universe has the power to do things we can't even begin to fathom! Although everyone in our bible study is at a different spot in their spiritual journey, it has been SO encouraging just being able to converse and learn where everyone is at in their walk. We would love for you to pray for us in this new adventure :)

Last night was also super sweet, as nine of our fellow "campus-crusaders" were baptized. Their vulnerability in sharing their testimonies and public proclamation of their desire to follow Christ was really special. It made me realize I haven't been baptized since I was a wee tot. Maybe something to pray about for next year...? We shall see. We would love to hear how God is working in your lives, or if you have had any recent near-death experiences like mine. ;) Have an amazing week!



  1. I am proud to be the first to comment on your stupendous blog!May you blog mightily sharing your experiences in life as roomies!So far,it's sounds like you really "support" each other in a positive and obviously needful way!!Keep up the blogging and the journey walk!

  2. Love the blog. You two are the models of best friends!

  3. Suzanne was dreaming that she was a gymnast, and had the ability to somehow magically sneak past the bed to reach the phone.

  4. i am gonna call every saturday morning now....

  5. my favorite part is the killer illustration of suzanne taking a header to the phone. yet another example how technology is trying to kill us.
    you need a name for yr monday group, like finny named the super secret suicide club? there is no shame in hooking people with grub and a super convenient location. hello? fishes and loaves on a fat hillside? yes. yeaaaaas.
    also, that peet's cup made my mouth water. and yes, that was the correct usage of nom nom nom.
